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Hello and thanks for visiting my website ! I am Youssef Ghallada, Ph. D. in Economics from UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Bruxelles (supervisor: Alexandre Girard) and Université Libre de Bruxelles (supervisor: Kim Oosterlinck). I am currently on the Job Market. As of October 2024, I will be an IHR Early Career Research fellow at the Institute of Historical Research in London. I am also a visiting fellow and member of the Financial History Group at the London School of Economics in the department of Economic History. In early 2023, I was a visiting research student in this department, then a junior visiting fellow at the Geneva Graduate Institute in the last semester of 2023

My research focuses on monetary regimes, financial and trade networks and how they are intertwined. I focus as well on the development of ICT. My period of study is the late nineteenth century as the factors I am analyzing experienced major changes during that period. Dissecting the causes of such changes is my prime interest.

Affiliated to the following research centers: